Social landing page

The Social landing page allows you to configure a list of suggested tags that an end user may associate to a work item. There is only one tab on this landing page, called Tag Configuration.

Access it by selecting the Dev Studio > Case Management > Processes > Social menu item.

Using the Tag Configuration tab

You may configure a unique list for each work pool used by your application. This list of seed tags is useful when an application is first deployed to provide an initial list of tagging suggestions. As end users add new tags to the system over time, both the new tags and this seed tag list may both be used to suggest tags to the end user.

The Tag Configuration tab enables you to add and delete seed tags. A tag is a text value that users can associate with one or more cases. The seed tags you add, associated with an application and a work pool, provide an initial list of tags from which users can select. Users can add tags from user forms, however they cannot add seed tags. Seed tags, unlike unused user-generated tags, are not purged by the Pega-EndUserUI agent.

You can add and delete seed tags at any time on this tab. A tag is stored as an instance of the Data-Social-Tag class. The association of a tag with a case is stored as an instance of the Link-Tag class. See Understanding Tagging.

  • To add a seed tag, select the Application and Work Pool, and then type the tag. Tags cannot contain spaces and are limited to 64 characters. You can configure a unique list of seed tags for each work pool used by your application. Click Add Tag to add it.
  • To delete a seed tag, click the remove seed tag button to the right of the tag.