Screen flows
A screen flow presents a sequence of assignments to one user. You can use a screen flow to supplement the workflow in a case by calling it from the Subprocess shape in another flow.
The following features distinguish screen flows from other types of flows:
The ability to jump ahead or go back to different entry points in the flow at run time.
Routing options that are configured in the Start shape instead of in individual assignments.
User actions that are configured in the Assignment shape instead of in a connector.
A single harness that defines the presentation, such as tabs or nodes in a tree, for every step in the screen flow.
The ability to branch or call only screen flows.
The ability to defer validation until all assignments are completed.
The ability to save the progress of the user at individual steps or at the end of the screen flow.
When considering a screen flow in your application, keep in mind that not all shapes are supported and that a screen flow cannot be designated as a starter flow.