Updating details of a space

You can update the details of a space to ensure that the information describing the space is correct, for example, the name of the space.

Before you begin: To update the details of a space, you must be the owner of the space.

You can become the owner of a space in one of the following ways:

  1. In the navigation panel, click Spaces.
  2. Choose the spaces in your application to view.
    • Click All spaces to view the public and private spaces, and unlisted spaces that you are a member of.
    • Click My spaces to view only the spaces that you are a member of.
  3. Click the space for which you want to update details.
  4. On the Activity tab, click Edit space.
  5. Update the name, description, type, or image for the space.
  6. Click Submit.
    Tip: If the space is no longer required, delete the space by clicking Actions and selecting Delete.