Viewing and applying schema changes

Review the list of schema changes and specify whether to apply the changes automatically, or download a SQL DDL script that defines the changes and apply the DDL to the database. If the database schema includes a vendor-specific change, you must use the manual method.

Note: You see this screen only if your archive includes schema changes.
  1. Click the class name to review the schema changes.
    Note: The table names displayed here may be shortened to accommodate database vendor name-length limits.
  2. Specify whether to have the Import wizard apply the changes automatically.
  3. If you plan to make the changes manually, create and apply a DDL file:
    1. Click View/Download SQL DDL to create a DDL file.
    2. Give the DDL file to your database administrator to apply to the database.
    3. Continue the import after the database administrator applies the DDL file.
  4. Optional: To automatically upgrade database tables for your applications, check Automatically run Upgrade Application Schema.
  5. Click Next to continue the import.