Application: Scenario testing landing page

On the Application: Scenario testing landing page, you can create and run scenario test cases and view a report to check the quality of your application to identify case types and portals that did not pass scenario testing. Scenario testing provides a graphical test creation tool that allows developers to increase test coverage without writing complex code

Click the Scenario Testing button on the toolbar or select Application > Quality > Automated Testing > Scenario Testing > Test Cases from the top menu. From the Scenario testing landing page, you can do the following tasks:

  • Click the name of a test to open the test and view the test steps. You can also add assertions to the test.
  • Click the result button of a test to view the results of the most recent test run.
  • Click the check box next to a test to add it to the list of tests run when the Run Selected button is clicked.
  • Click the Export to Excel button to download a list of tests, their type, portal or case name tested, the time last run, and the result of the last run.
  • Click the Reports tab to view the Test Execution Summary and coverage information for case type and portal tests..