iOS certificate set

A certificate set defines certain parameters of the custom mobile app for iOS that you are creating.

Note: You must generate the certificate files and App ID described in the following list by using the Apple Developer Portal. For more information, see Generating mobile certificates for the iOS platform on the Pega Community.

If you do not want to upload a complete certificate set that includes the provisioning file and the signing certificate, you can create an unsigned certificate set, which can be used to export an unsigned custom mobile app.

Unless you are creating an unsigned certificate set, for each certificate set, provide the following information:

  • Mobile Provisioning file - A provisioning profile is a set of digital certificates that associates a developer, an app ID and device ID or IDs, and is deployed to a device so that the app can be installed and run for testing and distribution. The provisioning profile is usually distributed as a file with the *.mobileprovision extension. From the Apple Developer Portal, you can create the following types of provisioning profiles:
    • iOS App Development - Used to install and debug apps on designated test devices.
    • Ad Hoc Distribution - Allows your app to be installed on a limited number of devices.
    • In-house (universal) Distribution - Allows you to distribute apps within your company. There is no limit on number of devices that an app can be installed on.
    • App Store Distribution - Creates a distribution profile for your app to be published to the Apple App Store.
  • App ID (Bundle ID) - App ID (Bundle ID) is a string that identifies one or more iOS apps from a single development team. The string consists of a bundle ID search string so that you can match either the bundle ID of a single app or a set of bundle IDs for a group of your apps. This value is case-sensitive and must start with an uppercase or a lowercase letter or a digit. You may use the hyphen character (-). At least one period (.) must be used to separate different parts. The following App ID (Bundle ID) example shows the format:
  • Signing certificate - Code signing your iOS app assures users that it is from a known source and that the app has not been modified since it was last signed. Before your app can integrate app services, be installed on a device, or be submitted to the Apple App Store, it must be signed with a certificate issued by Apple. The certificate is in a P12 file that contains a single private key and a single certificate generated for signing.
  • Push Notification certificate - This certificate is used by a Pega Platform server to communicate with Apple Push Notification service (APNs). The certificate is in a P12 file that contains a single private key and a single certificate generated for push notifications.
  • Widget Provisioning file - A widget provisioning profile for the iOS platform is a collection of digital entities that enables the use of a Today widget with your custom mobile app for iOS. The provisioning profile is usually distributed as a file with the *.mobileprovision extension. It must belong to the same App Group as the mobile provisioning profile.
Note: By default, Java supports only certificate key sizes that are equal to or smaller than 1024 bits. If you need to use a larger key, you must update a .jar file in Java. For more information, see the Oracle Java documentation.