Creating operator IDs
When you create an operator ID in Pega Platform, you set up a unique account so that a user can access the system. By creating an operator ID you can set the identifying information of the user, define their access rights, and configure password settings. You can also add additional details, such as their skills, to ensure that work is routed to the user based on their capabilities.
Before you begin: To create an operator ID, you must have the
pxCanManageUsers privilege, which is part of the
PegaRULES:SecurityAdministrator role.
- Define an access group and contact information for the operator. For more information, see Fields for operator contact information and application access.
- Define organizational information for the operator. For more information, see Fields for operator work groups, work queues, and schedules.
- Define a password for the operator. For more information, see Defining security information for an operator.