Managing email integrations
The following topics provide information on managing your email integration,
including troubleshooting your email configurations, filtering autoreply messages, and
optimizing the performance of your email listeners.
Autoreply message filtering
Email listeners in Pega Platform filter autoreply messages, such as out-of-office notifications or bounce-back messages, by using the following logic.
Troubleshooting email listeners
Troubleshoot problems with email listeners by applying the following guidelines.
Restarting the email listener
You can restart an email listener to troubleshoot problems with the listener. For example, you might need to restart the email listener if unread messages are accumulating in your inbox.
Throttling during email processing
Email providers use throttling to control the number of email messages that they receive at one time. If the number of incoming email messages surpasses a certain threshold that is determined by the email provider, the email provider might invoke throttling and drop the connection or reject additional connections.
Deleting an email account
Delete an email account when it is no longer required.
Email conversations
If your application has email capabilities enabled, your application can initiate and process email-based conversations. When an email is sent, a key is generated and attached to the email. When the reply is received, the message is attached to the work item, and a copy of the message is forwarded to the appropriate party. This functionality is initiated using the standard Work-.SendEmailCorr local action, and requires an Email Account instance, Service Package data instance, Email Listener data instance, and a Service Email rule. (For an example of the service rule, review the standard rule EmailDefault.Work-.ProcessEmails .)
Email-based work processing
Perform approvals or other actions on work items using email-based work processing. Enable this functionality using a standard Notify activity and the correspondence name pzEmailActions , which applies to Work- , belonging to Pega-ProcessEngine RuleSet . The approver receives an email that contains hyperlinks to non-local flow actions. The approver clicks on the appropriate flow action and adds comments as needed, then sends the response. The email is received by an email listener that validates the response using the service activity pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail , then delegates processing to the pyProcessEmailRequest agent. A copy of the response is attached to the created work item.
Sending encrypted email
If your application is required to send encrypted email, encrypted emails can be sent by using the @baseclass.SendEmailNotifcation activity and selecting the EncryptMessage parameter. For an example, see the Pega Community article Sending encrypted email .
Sending digitally signed email
Optionally, your application can send digitally signed email. This helps the recipient to verify that the message is really from your system and that the message has not been altered.
Automatic resends
When the system sends outbound email, if the connection to the email server fails, messages are automatically queued for resending later. The number of resend attempts made is defined in the Pega-ProcessEngine.pyEmailMaxResends system setting.
Working with SSL-enabled endpoints
When a customer has a Connector rule for an HTTP-based protocol such as HTTP, SOAP, REST, and sometimes Email, they may point to an SSL-enabled ("https") endpoint. The service that is connected to will provide an SSL certificate in order to identify itself and secure the connection.
Initial Email Account instances (Data-EmailAccount)
When installed, Pega Platform includes two standard email account instances:
Correspondence rules and email