Adding a Pega repository

Add a Pega repository to move application packages when you are using continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines with third-party automation tools. Also add a Pega repository when you are rebasing your development application when you are using third-party automation tools or Deployment Manager.

Before you begin: The Pega repository type is shown only if you are using Deployment Manager, otherwise, you must enable it. For more information, see Enabling the Pega repository type.

This content applies only to on-premises deployments and applications. For Cloud services and applications, an S3 repository is created for you.

Note: To create a repository, your access group must have the PegaRULES:RepositoryAdministrator role. To use a repository, your access group must have the PegaRULES:RepositoryUser role.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Create > SysAdmin > Repository.
  2. Enter a short description of the repository and the repository name and click Create and open.
  3. In the Definition tab, click Select and select the repository type.
  4. In the Host ID field, enter the location of the Pega node. It must start with http:// or https:// and must end with PRRestService. For example:
  5. Optional: In the Use authentication section, specify whether the repository authenticates the user.
  6. Optional: In the Authentication Profile section, specify the authentication profile. If there is no authentication profile, the username must have PRPC:Administrators as an access group.
  7. In the Security section, configure security:
    Secure protocol
    The lowest level of security that can be used. If this minimum level of security is not available, the repository call fails with an error message.
    A Truststore record that contains the server certificate to use in the TLS/SSL handshake.
    A Keystore record that stores the Pega Platform client's private/public key pair that is used by the server to authenticate the client.
  8. Click Test connectivity to verify the credentials.
  9. Click Save.
  10. If you are rebasing your development application, enable ruleset versions for Pega repositories by configuring the HostedRulesetsList dynamic system setting on the main development system. For more information, see Enabling ruleset versions for Pega repositories for rebasing.