Verifying the keyspace replication factor

Troubleshoot keyspace-related errors, such as incorrect replication, by checking whether a specific keyspace exists and whether the keyspace belongs to the correct data center.

View the keyspace details by entering describe keyspace keyspace_name in the cqlsh console.
Cassandra returns output similar to the following:

CREATE KEYSPACE data WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': '3'} AND durable_writes = true;
  • class is the replication strategy.
  • datacenter1 is the name of the related data center. The data center name is associated with the current replication factor value, for example, 3.
What to do next: Depending on the output, you might want to adjust the keyspace configuration to better reflect your business needs and prevent replication errors. For example, you can use the alter_keyspace command to fix the keyspace configuration. For more information, see the Apache Cassandra documentation.