Restarting an external data flow run

Use the Call instruction with the pxRestartRun or pxRestartRunById activity to restart an external data flow run that is in the Completed, Failed, or Stopped state.

  1. Create an instance of the Activity rule in the Dev Studio navigation panel by clicking Records > Technical > Activity.
  2. In the activity steps, enter one of the following methods:
    • pxRestartRun
      1. Add the first step:

        • Method: Page-New

        • Step page: runOptions

      2. Add the second step:

        • Method: Property-Set

        • Step page: runOptions

      3. In the second step, click the arrow to the left of the Method field to specify properties of the runOptions class:

        • .pyWorkObjectId - Identifier of the work object that represents the external data flow run.

      4. Add the third step:

        • Method: Call pxStopRun

        • Step page: runOptions

    • pxRestartRunById
      1. Add the first step:

        • Method: Page-New

        • Step page: runOptions

      2. Add the second step:

        • Method: Call pxRestartRunById

        • Step page: runOptions

      3. In the second step, click the arrow to the left of the Method and specify the runID parameter.

        You can find the run ID on the Data Flows landing page.

  3. Click Save.