Pega APIs and services

You can use the Pega APIs to power client and mobile apps by using built-in Pega REST/JSON services. Pega APIs provide an extensive set of APIs to manage and interact with all aspects of your application, such as cases, assignments, and so on. The APIs are secured by user credentials and TLS/SSL. You must switch from App Studio to Dev Studio to configure security for the Pega API, which is the api service package.

To browse the Pega API, you must have the PegaRULES:PegaAPI role. In addition, some APIs require your access role to have specific privileges before you can use the API.

You can browse Pega APIs from Admin Studio, Dev Studio, and App Studio:
  • In Admin Studio, click Resources > APIs.
  • In Dev Studio, click Application name > Channels and interfaces > Pega API > Pega.
  • In App Studio, click Interfaces > Pega API > Pega.

In the API, you can perform the following actions:

  • List parameters
  • View the JSON data model for each resource
  • Test an API by clicking Try it out! to view the actual request URL, response body, response code, and response headers