Differentiating case references in Pulse
You can control which icons and descriptions are displayed to users when they reference a case in Pulse. By visually differentiating the choices in the list of suggested cases, you can help users create messages more quickly.
- Open the @baseclass-.pyGetMentionsJsonString activity by searching for it or by using the Records Explorer.
- Copy the activity to the class of a case type.
- On the Steps tab of the Activity form, expand step 3.
Provide a custom icon for cases or instances of the case type.
- In the PropertiesName column, locate the field that is set to local.MentionedIcon.
- In the PropertiesValue field, replace the default value with the location of your custom icon.
Provide a custom description for cases or instances of the case type.
- In the PropertiesName column, locate the field that is set to local.mentionedDetails.
Click the Build an expression icon next to the
PropertiesValue field.
Result: The JSON string that determines the list of suggested cases is displayed.
- Find the AdditionalInfo JSON object in the string.
- In the call to the @getLocalizedText method, replace the "Case" parameter with your custom description enclosed in quotation marks.
- Click Save.
- Refresh your browser session.
- Optional: Repeat this procedure for each class, or case type, that you need to differentiate.