Job Scheduler rules

Job Scheduler is a background server process that runs activities on a periodic basis. In a multinode cluster, Job Scheduler rules can run on multiple nodes.

For better performance, monitoring and diagnostics, Job Scheduler rules replace advanced agents. You can use Job Scheduler rules to perform jobs that are configured to run at a particular time, such as system cleanup jobs.

You can associate a Job Scheduler rule to a node type, and you can run the rule on any node or all nodes of that type. Configure Job Scheduler rules to run on the following schedules:
  • Multiple times a day
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

If you configure your Job Scheduler rule to run on all the nodes in a cluster, you can also enable it to run at a startup.

Job Scheduler management

Create job schedulers in Dev Studio. Use the Jobs landing page in Admin Studio to trace and override Job Scheduler rules in your application. To create and manage Job Scheduler rules, make sure you have the pzJobSchedulerAdministrator privilege. To view the list of job schedulers in your application, make sure you have the pzJobSchedulerObserver privilege.

For more information about the Job Scheduler rule, see Use Job Scheduler and Queue Processor rules instead of agents on Pega Community.