Integer Properties — Presentation tab

Click the View properties icon in the integer control to display the Integer cell properties panel and select the Presentation tab.

Presentation tab

Field Description
Edit Options Select an edit mode for this control. The edit mode of the control, specified here, takes precedence over section and harness settings.
  • Auto — The control uses the edit mode of the section or harness in which it appears. If the section is set to Read Only, then the control is Read Only. If the section is set to Auto, then the control uses the edit mode of the harness. For example, a New harness is editable, while a Review harness is read only.
  • Read only (always) — The control uses a property value from the control or another property value or a constant. From the automplete field select an existing property or click the Open icon to define a new property in the Create Property panel or enter a constant.
  • Read only (expression) — The control uses a simple expression based on the comparison of a pair of constants, properties, or both, combined by Boolean operators, such as .Color="Red". You can combine the expression with a when condition rule or another expression using the && and || operators.

    As a best practice, use the Condition Builder to edit this field. Click the Open condition builder icon to open the tool. See Using the Condition Builder to configure dynamic UI actions.

  • Read only (when rule) — The control uses the When Name key part of a when condition rule. Click the Open icon to review or create the rule.
  • Editable — the control is editable, regardless of the edit mode of the enclosing layout.
Read-only value For Read-only formats, select to display one of the following:

Property value — displays the value of the selected property

Another property's value — displays the value of the property that you specify. In the field that displays, select the property for which you want to display the value.

Constant — displays the value of the constant that you type in the field that displays

Control format Read-only option. Specifies the style format applied to the integer control. You can define multiple formats in the skin rule. Press the down arrow to select another format, if applicable.
Label format Read-only option. Specifies the format of the integer control's label.
Read-only options  
Type Always use Number for integer.
Text alignment Integer alignment: Right (default) or Left.
Symbol The integer symbol can be determined by:
  • Currency (standard currency symbol)— select the locale currency or specify another currency.
  • Constant — select a predefined constant for another integer
  • Reference — select a predefined reference for another integer
Decimal places Specifies the number of digits displayed after the integer unit (default is 2 decimal places).
Rounding Method Specifies how halfway values are handled:
  • Default — The default value per the prconfig xml
  • Round towards positive infinity
  • Round towards zero
  • Round towards negative infinity
  • Round down to nearest — round to the nearest neighbor, where an equidistant value is rounded down
  • Round to nearest even number — round to the nearest neighbor, where an equidistant value is rounded to an even value
  • Round up to nearest — round to the nearest neighbor, where an equidistant value is rounded up
  • Round away from zero
Separators Specify whether or not to use numeric separators. (The type of separator - commas, periods, and spaces, etc. - are determined by the locale settings.)
Scale Specifies whether the numbers represent a percentage or a standard multiple (thousand, million, etc.)
Negative Format Specifies how a negative number is represented using a minus or parentheses or a reference - or some combination of these.
Editable options  
Specify Size Specifies the width of the text field and number of characters supported.

Select Auto if you want the layout to determine the width of the control area. This is the default. If you want to specify a fixed (pixel) or variable (percent) width for the text input, select Custom and then specify the width in pixels or percentage.

Min/Max Chars Optional. Enter a value that determines the minimum and maximum number of characters that can be entered in the text input. You can designate either value as unlimited by leaving it blank.
Control format

Specifies the format of the drop-down list. You can style drop-down controls and create additional formats in the skin rule. To select a custom format, press the down arrow and select Other.

Label format Specifies the format of the drop-down labels. See style drop-down controls.

Select a format (read-only) used with this property. Your selection filters the format options: Email, Number, Telephone, Text, URL.

Text Alignment Appears if Type is Number.

Select left, right, or center alignment.

Display Read-only formatting At runtime, read-only formatting displays when the editable field is not in focus. When the editable field is in focus, it behaves as normal input. The actual value gets submitted although the formatted value is displayed. Editable formatting does not appear when there are client-side and server-side validations.

To enable read-only formatting, check the Display value using read-only formatting check box. The read-only formatting option only appears for the Currency, Date time, Integer, Number and Percentage control types when the Editable Format is Number.