Viewing authorizations for case type flows and flow actions in a single access group
Access Manager displays all flows and flow actions defined for each case type in the selected application or applications. This view allows you to review the authorization settings for flows and flow actions.
Before you begin: To manage case types on the Work & Process tab of Access
Manager, you must be logged in as an operator associated with an access group that
contains the PegaRULES:SecurityAdministrator or
PegaRULES:BasicSecurityAdministrator role.
- Operators in this role have full access to this process flow, or flow action in the case type.
- Operators in this role have no access to this process flow, or flow action in the case type.
- Some combination of conditional and possibly no access to this process flow, or flow action among operators in the access group.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- Click Application.
- Select or clear any applications that you want to view.
- Click Apply.
- Select an access group from the Access Group list.
- Expand a case type to view authorizations for each user operation in the case type.
- Click Process Flows or Flow Actions to expand the list.
- To generate a PDF file that shows all the authorizations for each user operation in the case type, click Export authorizations.