Viewing tools authorization for a single access group

Access Manager allows you to view settings for access groups other than your own. You can see the following information:

Before you begin: To use the tools tab in Access Manager, you must be logged in as an operator associated with an access group that contains the PegaRULES:SecurityAdministrator role.
  • Operators in this access group have full access to the tool.
  • Operators in this access group have no access to the tool. The menu item or UI element is disabled.
  • A combination of conditional access and possibly no access to this tool among operators in the access group.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Configure > Org & Security > Access Manager > Tools.
  2. Click Application.
  3. Select or deselect the applications you want to process.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Select an access group from the Access Group list.
    Result: The page displays the tools and their access status for the access group.
  6. View or edit the tool category.
    1. Click an individual access group to edit.
    2. Expand a tool category to see the authorization for each tool in the category.