For more accurate project planning and enhanced communication with your stakeholders,
create application development time estimates. When you estimate the duration of your
project, you clearly state how much time and effort your development team needs to deliver
an application that reflects its specific design and required elements.
Before you begin: Define the main elements of your application:
A project estimate considers various factors, such as the complexity of the
application elements, the number of available teams to work on developing the
application, and having a configured development environment to build your application.
The creation of estimates in Pega Platform is automated. After you
provide the required values, the project estimator calculates the expected development
duration. To share the estimation results with stakeholders outside Pega Platform, you can export the estimates into an .xlsx file.
In the navigation pane of
App Studio, click Overview.
In the Application profile section, click
In the Application profile workspace, click
In the Estimator section, in the
Release list, select the release for which you want
to calculate the estimate.
For example: Create a collective estimate for all defined releases by selecting
In the Delivery list, select the implementation method
that your development team uses.
For example: Select Scrum/Agile.
Non-Agile methodologies increase the estimated effort and duration by
In the Number of teams field, specify how many teams can
work on the project.
In the Scrum maturity list, select a value that
describes the customer's experience with scrum projects.
Medium maturity increases the estimated effort and duration by 7.5%, and low
maturity by 15%.
In the Staffing model list, select a value that
indicates the level of cooperation between the customer and Pega.
In the co-production model, it is assumed that a business architect and two
system architects from the customer side join each development team.
In the Environment list, select the environment on which
you want to deploy the application.
Creating a new on-premises environment elongates the estimated effort and
duration by 10%.
In the Organization complexity list, select an option
that indicates how many levels and regulations your organization has.
Organizations with high complexity comply with external regulations and
additional validation requirements, such as government organizations and
those in the financial, healthcare, and pharmaceutical industries.
A high
complexity level increases the estimated effort and duration by 20%.
In the Data import effort list, select an option that
describes the complexity level of the effort required to migrate data from the
legacy system to the new Pega system.
A high complexity level increases the estimated effort and duration by 30%,
medium by 20%, and low by 10%.
Click Calculate estimate.
Result: The estimator calculates the expected development duration in hours and
weeks, with a division between Pega and customer
hours. The estimator also includes detailed information about the number and
complexity of the items in your application, such as case types, personas, data
objects, and features.
- Optional:
To import the estimate to an .xlsx file, in the Application
overview workspace header, click .
Result: App Studio automatically saves the .xlsx file to your