Revalidating rules after an upgrade
To improve the completeness and accuracy of the Referencing Rules display, or to validate and save all instances of a rule after an upgrade, run the validate tools.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- Optional:
To perform limited revalidation only improve the completeness and accuracy of the
Referencing Rules display, click Revalidate For References.
- Specify the RulesetName, Minimum RuleSetVersion, and Maximum RuleSetVersion.
- Click Revalidate for References.
- Optional:
To start the bulk revalidation tool to check the validity of multiple rules of one rule
type at once, click Revalidate and Save.
- Specify the rule type.
- Optional: Add a memo to provide context for this action later.
- Click List to display a list of all rule instances.
- Select the instances to revalidate and save, and click Run.