Manually running an Extract rule in your application

You can run a BIX extract manually from within your application.

  1. In the navigation panel, click Records > SysAdmin > Extract and select the Extract rule that you want to use.
  2. On the rule form, click Run.
  3. Extract to .csv and .xml output:
    1. Provide the Number of Records to Update at a Time. To run the extract in non-batch mode for a single record at a time, set the number of records to update at a time to 1.
    2. Provide a Unique Identifier for the extract.
    3. Click Perform Extract to begin extracting data from your application. A progress bar informs you when the extract is complete.
  4. Configure schema for extracting to a database before you run an extraction for the first time:
    Before extracting data to a target database, create a schema to match the extracted data.
    1. Provide the Number of Records to Update at a Time. To run the extract in non-batch mode, a single record at a time, set the number of records to update at a time to 1.
    2. Provide a Unique Identifier for the extract.
    3. Click Generate Schema DDL.
    4. Provide a location and a name to use when saving the DDL.
    5. Click Perform Extract to generate the DDL and save it in the specified location.
    6. Run the generated DDL manually in the required database to create the table.
      If the names of any selected properties correspond to reserved keywords in the destination database, manually update the DDL file to either change the property names or surround them with quotation marks. If you do not update the DDL, a database error will occur.
  5. Extracting to a database after schema has been created:
    1. Provide the Number of Records to Update at a Time. To run the extract in non-batch mode, a single record at a time, set the number of records to update at a time to 1.
    2. Provide a Unique Identifier for the extract.
    3. Clear the Generate Schema DDL check box.
    4. Click Perform Extract to begin extracting data from your application into the created table. A progress bar informs you when the extract is complete.
Result:  After the extract is complete, you can access the output data at the location (or locations, for XML output) that you specified in the File Specifications tab of the rule.