Running an Extract rule by using an agent

Running an Extract rule using a Pega Platform agent.

To schedule an extract from within your application, modify the RunExtract agent that is in the Pega-BIX ruleset to periodically invoke the pxExtractDataWithArgs activity to run a BIX Extract rule. This activity takes as arguments the class and name of the Extract rule to run and, as a single string, the list of BIX command-line parameters desired for each run. The agent must only be enabled on the dedicated node for BIX processing to help avoid any negative performance impacts to production while the Extract rule is running.

Note: For Pega Platform 8.4 and later, Job Scheduler rules functionally replace agents. For clients with agents running BIX extractions, it is best practice to replace them with a Job Scheduler rule. For more information, see Replacing an agent with a Job Scheduler rule.
Note: For on-premises clients, the agent/threadpoolsize setting in the prconfig.xml file controls the number of threads available in the agent pool, and consequently, the number of agents that can be run concurrently. If you schedule more agents to run concurrently than the value of the agent/threadpoolsize setting, you might get a stale thread error. Increase the value of the agent/threadpoolsize setting. The default value of the agent/threadpoolsize setting is 5.
  1. On the Schedule tab of the Agent rule, enter Rule-Admin-Extract in the Agent Name field.
  2. In the Mode field for the agent, select Advanced unless you are creating queue items that a standard mode agent requires.
    Note: Agents in standard mode that do not have queue items created for them will appear to have run, but the activity is not executed.
  3. Enter pxExtractDataWithArgs in the Activity name field.
  4. Click Parameters to enter command line parameters in the following format when you are using one or more parameters.
    Note: If you are using an agent that calls pxExtractDataWithArgs, place quotes around the values. The extract fails if you do not use quotes. For example:


    If you are using an agent that calls a wrapper activity that calls pxExtractDataWithArgs, place quotes around the values and around the entire parameter string. Use the backslash to escape the quotes around the values. For example:


    The -i, -a, -p, -T, and -P command-line parameters are not supported for pxExtractDataWithArgs. The -X, -b, and -f command-line parameters cannot be used if pxExtractDataWithArgs is used on a Pega Cloud instance.

  5. On the Security tab, configure the access group to be the application access group.
  6. Select Bypass activity authentication.
  7. Create an Agent schedule and map the agent to the BIX node type.
    Note: This functionality is available when you purchase and install the BIX application.
What to do next: 

See Optional command-line BIX parameters and Agents rules.

See Developer Help topics Optional command-line BIX parameters and Agents rules for more information.