Troubleshooting errors with a story template
Errors may occur when you create stories in bulk. Use the following guidance to resolve issues with the story templates that you import to Agile Workbench.
The template has an invalid file structure or an invalid file type.
- In the Import Stories dialog box, click Download the template to save a Microsoft Excel file to your local machine.
- Open the file.
- Copy the information from your original template to the relevant columns in the file.
- Save the file but do not change its format.
- In the Import Stories dialog box, click Choose File.
- Navigate to the location of your story template, and then click Open to upload the file.
- Click Import.
Stories in the template fail validation.
- Open your story template.
- Ensure that all stories provide a value in the Name column.
- Save the file but do not change its format.
- Restart the import.