Using the Email channel

Improve Pega Email Bot interactions with users and applications by using the Email channel. To ensure that the email bot intelligently responds to user emails, classify and add the training data to the text analytics model.

Before you begin: To use the Email channel, first build an email bot by defining its behavior and setting up intelligent email routing. For more information, see Building an Email channel.

When you train a text analytics model for an email bot, the system learns to correctly respond to user emails based on the recorded data that you update. A Pega Platform user, such as a customer service representative, can then triage incoming emails in Email Manager or the Case Manager portal. For example, they can reply to customers, transfer triage cases, spin off business cases, and resolve triage cases.

  1. Enable the recording of training data, create training data, and then apply changes to the text analytics model for the email bot.
    For more information, see Training the model for the Email channel.
  2. Triage incoming emails for the email bot.
    For example: You can reply to users, send Pulse messages, spin off business cases, detect duplicate triage cases, or resolve triage cases.
    For more information, see Triaging incoming emails.