Mobile app
Compared to the Pega Mobile Express and Pega Mobile Preview applications, a mobile app gives you access to a number of important functions. These functions differ, depending on whether you are building your mobile app based on Pega Infinity Mobile Client or Pega Mobile Client.
If you are building a mobile app that is based on Pega Infinity Mobile Client, you can use the following features:
- Engaging mobile users with push notifications - Allows mobile apps to automatically push notifications to a mobile device.
- Generating installation packages - Lets you configure, compile, and test mobile apps for different mobile platforms.
- Distributing mobile apps - Allows you to distribute mobile apps using different distribution channels.
- Custom modules - Lets you upload custom modules that have been created to extend the functionality of the Pega Platform mobile apps.
Note: Offline-enabled mobile apps cannot display multiple webviews, therefore, if you are
building an offline-enabled mobile app, mobile app layout options do not take effect.
If you are building a mobile app that is based on Pega Mobile Client, you can additionally use, at the expense of app initiation time and run time speed:
- System info pages - Enables access to system information and settings.