Standard reports by category
The following categories and standard reports are available:
Case Metrics
- Case volume – For the last seven days, provides the cases created per day grouped by case type.
- Time per stage – Provides a stacked bar chart of resolved cases by stage with the length of the bar representing the length of time.
Open Cases
- Open case timeliness – Provides the case-level SLA status for open cases.
Service Level Performance
- Open step timeliness – Provides the assignment SLA status grouped by assignment.
- User timeliness – Provides the assignment SLA status grouped by user.
Step Performance
- Goals and deadlines by step – Provides the SLA status grouped by assignment.
- Step duration – Provides a historical view of the time it took a user to complete a step.
- Time spent in step – Provides a historical view of the time spent on a particular step.