Function Alias rules — Completing the Create, Save As, or Specialization form

Records can be created in various ways. You can add a new record to your application or copy an existing one. You can specialize existing rules by creating a copy in a specific ruleset, against a different class or (in some cases) with a set of circumstance definitions. You can copy data instances but they do not support specialization because they are not versioned.

  1. Create a function alias rule by selecting Function Alias from the Technical category.
  • Key parts:
    1. From the Apply to field, select a class.
      Many function alias rules use @baseclass.
      To create an SQL function alias rule, select or enter Embed-UserFunction. Specifying any other class creates a Java function alias rule.
    2. In the Identifier field, specify a name for the rule.
      Begin the name with a letter and use only letters, numbers, the ampersand character, and hyphens.
  • The following options listed in the Additional creation options area (referred to as Quick Create options) are are optional. Selections made here can be used as a starting point for the rule you are creating:
    1. Optional: From the Alias type field, select an alias type to preset the Java function name, template and input parameters for your newly created Functional Alias rule:
      • To set the Java function name to compareTwoValues(), choose Compare two values.
      • To set the Java function name to compareTwoValues(), choose Is Property Equal and update the template to include a specified property.
      • To set the Java function name to dateIsInRange(), Choose Date within Date Range.
      • For all SQL function alias rules and for most Java function alias rules, choose Other.
    2. In the Property field, specify the property name that will be used as the {lValue} in the compareTwoValues() function.
      This field is only available when selecting an alias type of Is Property Equal To.

    When searching for instances of this rule type, the system:

    • Filters candidate rules based on a requestor's ruleset list of rulesets and versions
    • Searches through ancestor classes in the class hierarchy for candidates when no matching rule is found in the starting class
    • Finds circumstance-qualified rules that override base rules with the same key

    Time-qualified resolution features are not available for this rule type.