Geographic reference

Geographic reference helps users quickly identify locations that are relevant to the case. By clearly indicating the position of a place on a map, you provide users with a transparent interface that helps them read geographic data.

You can add geographic reference by using a Map control or a location field. Both solutions display maps that are sourced from Google Maps API, but collect data about locations of map markers from different sources:
  • The Map control draws marker data from an associated property or data page. The control supports multiple use cases, including user tracking, capturing location data, or displaying multiple markers at once.
  • The location field contains a text field where the user enters an address, and the field uses this information to set up a marker. From a technical point of view, a location field is an object in your case data model that consists of two properties: one to capture the display address text, and another to capture the longitude and latitude data.

For example, a booking application might include a Map control linked to a data page that lists all hotels in a given city. The data page and the control are separate, and the control draws marker information from the data page. However, a ride-sharing app might include a location field that consists of the map of a city and a text field. When the user enters the pickup address into the text field, the map displays a marker, and the address is saved as the field value.