Example field values

Example sets of values

The class Work- contains a standard, single-value property named pyStatusWork. You can create field values in the same class and name as this property to define different status types for a case. The following standard field values exist for Work-.pyStatusWork :
  • New

  • Open

  • Pending

  • Resolved-Completed

  • Resolved-Duplicate

  • Resolved-Rejected

The word Resolved as the first portion of this property value is significant. If you create additional field values to define other resolved status values, start the value with this word.


This field supports a special syntax. The full syntax is:

([TEXT] [ {([.propertyName], [n]) [htmlProperty]} ] [TEXT])*
  • Square brackets surround optional elements
  • Parentheses indication that one of the choices is required.
  • The * character means that the entire directive can appear multiple times.

You cannot use \n in this text to force a line break in the output. You cannot use HTML tags such as <b> or <br/> in this text.

Supply a property name or a parameter index for the .propertyname value. At run time, parameters are supplied as with Rule-Message : by using \t as a delimiter.

You can also use the reference directive within the Localized Label field to include the text value of another property name that is the second key part of at least one field value with the same first key part as this one.

Localized Label Description
Hello Pega Constant text.
Hello {.Name} Uses a property reference and either the control defined for the Name property or the Default control.
Hello {.Name MyHTMLProperty} Uses a property reference with an explicit control.
Hello {1} and {2 MyHTMLProperty2} Uses two parameters. The second parameter uses a control.
Hello {.Name NameHtmlProperty }, {1} and {2 htmlproperty2} Combines the previous examples.