Skin form — Components tab — Controls — Dropdowns

Styles that you set here apply to drop-down lists. You can define the Standard drop-down style or create custom drop-down formats.

A preview of the currently selected format displays to the right. To preview all drop-down formats, click Preview All.

You can also preview formats by selecting Actions > Launch in the toolbar and then choosing one of the following preview options: Run Process, Open Portal, Harness Preview, UI Gallery Preview, Skin Preview.


Applies to the text within the drop-down list.

Use mixin
Mixin overrides
Click Add mixin override to override a style that is set by the mixin:
Select the font family. The font family defaults to (use overall), which is the font that you specified in the Overall Font field at the top of the Mixins tab.
Font Size
Select the font size in pixels (px), points (pts), em (the current font size), or percentage (%).
Enter a hexadecimal value (such as #3d3d3d), or click the box next to the field to choose a color.
Font Weight
Select a font weight from the list.
Text Decoration
Select a text decoration option from the list. For example: Underline. A blank selection indicates that no additional attributes are applied.
Transform Text
Select a text transformation option from the list. Ffor example: Lowercase. A blank selection indicates that no additional attributes are applied.
Additional styles
You can apply additional styles, specific to styling the text for this element, by specifying a CSS attribute and value. You must specify a CSS attribute that is related to text styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair.
Specify styles Select this check box to define a custom text format:
Select the font family. The font family defaults to (use overall) , which is the font that you specified in the Overall Font field at the top of the Mixins tab.
Font Size
Select the font size in pixels (px), points (pts), em (the current font size), or percentage (%).
Enter a hexadecimal value (such as #3d3d3d), or click the box next to the field to choose a color.
Font Weight
Select a font weight from the list.
Text Decoration
Select a text decoration option from the list, for example, Underline. The blank selection is the default selection for backward compatibility and indicates that no additional attributes are applied.
Transform Text
Select a text transformation option from the list, for example, Lowercase. The blank selection is the default selection for backward compatibility and indicates that no additional attributes are applied.
  • Additional styles — Apply additional styles, specific to styling the text for this element, by specifying a CSS attribute and value. You must specify a CSS attribute that is related to text styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair.

Group Text

Apples to the category under which elements are grouped in the drop-down list.

Use mixin
Mixin overrides
Click Add mixin override to override a style that is set by the mixin:
Select the font family. The font family defaults to (use overall), which is the font that you specified in the Overall Font field at the top of the Mixins tab.
Font Size
Select the font size in pixels (px), points (pts), em (the current font size), or percentage (%).
Enter a hexadecimal value (such as #3d3d3d), or click the box next to the field to choose a color.
Font Weight
Select a font weight from the list.
Text Decoration
Select a text decoration option from the list. For example: Underline. A blank selection indicates that no additional attributes are applied.
Transform Text
Select a text transformation option from the list. Ffor example: Lowercase. A blank selection indicates that no additional attributes are applied.
Additional styles
You can apply additional styles, specific to styling the text for this element, by specifying a CSS attribute and value. You must specify a CSS attribute that is related to text styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair.
  • Additional styles — Apply additional styles, specific to styling the text for this element, by specifying a CSS attribute and value. You must specify a CSS attribute that is related to text styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair.
Specify styles Select to define a custom color for the group text. Click the box next to the field to Choose a Color or enter a hexadecimal value (such as #3d3d3d) .
  • Additional styles — Apply additional styles, specific to styling the text for this element, by specifying a CSS attribute and value. You must specify a CSS attribute that is related to text styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair.
Use browser styles for Border and Background Select to use the browser style for the border and background of the drop-down control. Clear this check box if you want to define styles for the drop-down list's border and background.


Applies to the border of the drop-down list.

Use mixin

If desired, you can specify the Top , Left , Right , or Bottom border as none, solid, dashed, or dotted, rather than inheriting the style from the selected mixin.

Specify styles

You can specify a custom border by selecting or clearing the Apply to all sides check box:

  • When selected, you can choose the same border style, pixel width, and color for the top, right, bottom, and left borders.
  • When cleared, you can choose a border style, pixel width, and color for the top, right, bottom, and left borders individually.

The following border styles are available:

  • none
  • solid
  • dashed
  • dotted


Applies to the background of the drop-down list.

Use mixin  
Specify styles Select to define a custom background color. Click the box next to the field to Choose a Color or enter a hexadecimal value (such as #3d3d3d) .
  • Additional styles — Add additional styles, specific to styling the background for this element, by specifying a CSS Attribute and Value. Specify only CSS related to background styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair. Click the Delete icon to remove an additional style.

Group Background

Use mixin  
Specify styles Select to define a custom background color. Click the box next to the field to Choose a Color or enter a hexadecimal value (such as #3d3d3d) .
  • Additional styles — Add additional styles, specific to styling the background for this element, by specifying a CSS Attribute and Value. Specify only CSS related to background styles. Click Add additional styles to define another CSS attribute-value pair. Click the Delete icon to remove an additional style.

Dropdown states

Use the options in this section to style the control based on its state. You can style the control differently when it is in one of the following states:
  • :hover – State of the control when a user points to the control or rests the pointer on the control.
  • :focus – State of the control when the field is in focus, for example, the state of a text field when it is ready to accept inputs.
  • :active – State of the control when the field is ready to be activated, for example, when a user has clicked the control but has not yet released the mouse button.
You can apply different styles for different states by using one of the following styles. To use the same style for all states, select the Use same styles for hover, focus and active check box.
  • Auto – Select this option to apply auto-generated styles for the control in this state. These styles are generated based on the applied control format and the mixins defined within the format.
  • Default – Select this option to apply the default browser styles for the states instead of generating the styles based on a skin or defined CSS in the application.
  • Custom – Select this option to define your own styles for the element in this state.

About Skin rules