Installing Cosmos React UI by using Docker

Explore the latest React-based run-time environment, which improves performance and responsiveness, and offers a revised set of user-friendly view and portal authoring tools. You can use Docker to install the Cosmos React UI framework in your on-premises development environment.

Note: You do not have to install Cosmos React UI manually if your environment meets any of the following criteria:
  • Pega Platform is hosted on Pega Cloud Services.
  • Pega Platform is hosted on a client-managed cloud environment.
  • Cosmos React UI was installed with Pega Infinity™.
In these cases, the Cosmos React UI engine is already a part of your development environment, and you only need to enable the framework for your applications.
Before you begin: Prepare for installation:
  • Ensure that you have the Docker command line interface installed on your on-premises environment.
  • Review the process of implementing Cosmos React UI on your system. For more information, see Implementing Cosmos React UI in Pega Platform.
  1. In a terminal window, pull the Cosmos React UI container by entering docker pull
  2. Set the SSL certificate and key for HTTPS by entering docker run -v /<path to folder with key certificate>:/host_folder -p 3000:3000 --name <container name> local/constellationui/service httpsKey=<SSL key> httpsCert=<SSL certificate> logLevel=<log type>.
    • <log type> is the type of log that the build produces. You can select one of the following modes: debug, info, warn, error.
  3. Install the service by entering docker run -p <host port>:<container port> --name <container name> <container URL address> port=<port number> <log type>.
    The variables have the following values:
    • <host port> is the port number of the host. The default value is 3000.
    • <port number> is the number of the port on which React UI listens. The number must match the <container port>.
    For example: docker run -p 3000:3000 --name constellation-service port=3000 info