Creating a table layout

Help users access and compare data with table layouts. Use tables in your applications as a flexible basis for users to process large amounts of information. For example, tables in a price comparison application can help users efficiently identify the best offer. Table layouts can also be configured to support editing, sorting, and custom presentation options.
  1. Search for and open an existing Section form.
  2. On the Design tab, expand the Structural list, and then drag the Table layout to the work area.
  3. In the layout header, click the View properties icon.
  4. In the Layout properties window, in the Data source section, specify the source of the data for the Table layout:
    Choices Actions
    1. In the Source field, select Property.
    2. In the List field, specify the property with which you want to populate the layout.
    Report definition
    1. In the Source field, select Report Definition.
    2. In the Applies To field, specify the class of the report definition.
    3. In the Report definition field, specify the report definition page with which you want to populate the layout.
    Data page
    1. In the Source field, select Data page.
    2. In the Data page field, specify the data page with which you want to populate the layout.
  5. Click Submit.