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Storing and sourcing content with Box

Updated on February 22, 2017

Box is a secure content management and collaboration platform that allows teams and organizations across industries to easily share and manage information from anywhere, on any device. You can configure your application to access and store case and Pulse attachments in Box. You can source content from Box, store content in Box, or do both.

Configuring Box and your application

To allow your application to store and source case and Pulse attachments in Box, add a Pega 7 Platform application in Box. Then, create an OAuth 2.0 authentication profile to connect to Box and configure your application rule for content storage and sourcing in Box.

Ensure that you have a Box account and a folder in the Box account to store content.

Adding a Pega 7 Platform application in Box

Create a Box application in your account and configure the redirect URI by using the format https://<host name>:<port>/prweb/PRRestService/oauth2/v1/redirect.

You must use an HTTPS-enabled Pega 7 Platform node to allow your application to connect to Box for content storage and sourcing.

Creating an authentication profile

Create an Authentication Profile data instance to authenticate the connection of your application with Box.

  1. In your Pega 7 Platform application, click +Create > Security > Authentication Profile.
  2. From the Type list, select OAuth 2.0.
  3. Enter a name and description for the authentication profile.
  4. Click Create and open.
  5. In the OAuth provider field, enter Box.
  6. Copy the values of the client_id, client_secret, and redirect_uri fields from the application that you created in Box to the Identifier, Secret, and Redirect URI endpoint fields in the Authentication Profile rule form.
  7. To enable single sign-on, click Enable SSO ( Only).
  8. Enter the single sign-on identity provider (IdP) federation ID in the Single sign-on (SSO) identity provider (IdP) federation ID field.
  9. To use the refresh token, click Use refresh token if available.
  10. Click Save.

The following figure shows an example of an authentication profile that you can use to connect to Box:

OAuth 2.0 authentication profile for connecting to Box

OAuth 2.0 authentication profile for connecting to Box

Updating the application rule

Update your application rule to enable content storage and sourcing in Box.

  1. In the Designer Studio header, click the name of your current application, and then click Open Application to open your application rule.
  2. Click the Integration & security tab.
  3. If you want to store case and Pulse attachments in Box, complete the following steps in the Content storage section:
    1. Select Store in web storage provider.
    2. In the Authentication profile field, enter the authentication profile that you created.
    3. In the Target folder field, click Browse and select a folder from your Box account to store the case and Pulse attachments in your application.
  4. If you want to source case and Pulse attachments from Box, in the Content sourcing section, complete the following steps:
    1. Select Source from web storage provider.
    2. Enter the authentication profile that you created in the Authentication profile field.
    3. In the Label field, enter a description for the menu item that will be displayed when you add case or Pulse attachments from Box to a case. The default description is

  5. Click Save.

The following figure shows how to configure your application rule to enable content storage and sourcing in Box:

Application rule configuration for content storage and sourcing in Box

Application rule configuration for content storage and sourcing in Box

Storing content in Box

When you create or work on a case type, you can store your case and Pulse attachments in Box.

  • To store a case attachment in Box, do the following steps:
    1. In the Attachments section, click Attach new, and then click File from device or URL.
    2. Complete one of the following steps:
      • If you clicked File from device in step 1, browse and attach a file to your case.
      • If you clicked URL in step 1, enter the URL that contains the file that you want to attach to your case.

The case attachment is displayed in the Attachments section, as shown in the following figure:

Case attachment

Case attachment

  • To store a Pulse attachment in Box, do the following steps:
    1. Optional: Enter a message in the Pulse section.
    2. Click Upload file from device.
    3. Browse and attach a file to your Pulse message.
    4. Click Post.

The Pulse message and attachment are displayed in the Pulse section, as shown in the following figure:

Pulse message and attachment

Pulse message and attachment

To see the case or Pulse attachment in Box, log in to your Box account and open the target folder that you selected in your application rule to store content in Box.

Sourcing content from Box

When you create or work on a case type, you can source your case and Pulse attachments from Box.

  • To source a case attachment from Box, do the following steps:
    1. In the Attachments section, ​​click Attach new, and then click or the value that you entered in the Label field that is displayed when you select Source from web storage provider on the Integration & security tab of your application rule.

    2. Browse for and attach a file from your Box account.

The case attachment is displayed in the Attachments section.

  • To source a Pulse attachment from Box, do the following steps:
    1. Optional: Enter a message in the Pulse section.
    2. Click Upload external, and then click or the value that you entered in the Label field that is displayed when you select Source from web storage provider on the Integration & security tab of your application rule.
    3. Browse and attach a file from your Box account.

The Pulse message and attachment are displayed in the Pulse section.

For more information, see Adding a case or Pulse attachment from a web storage provider.

The following figure shows how you can browse for and attach a case or Pulse attachment from Box:

Content sourcing from Box

Content sourcing from Box

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