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User interface element reference

Updated on January 21, 2021

When referring to specific user interface elements, remember to follow the established guidelines so that your content is correct, consistent with our writing standards, and easy to follow.

Standard UI elements in Pega Platform (Dev Studio)

Standard UI elements in Pega Platform (App Studio)


Refer to an area by its name.

Note: If the area is unnamed, add information that helps the user turn their attention to the correct area.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Tag area names with wintitle.

For example, In the Processes for Application area, (…).


Refer to a button by its label, but do not describe this user interface element as a button.

Use in conjunction with the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Tag buttons with uicontrol.

For example, Click Options.

check box

Refer to a check box by its label and always describe this user interface element as a check box.

Depending on the context, use in conjunction with the verbs select and clear.

Tag check box labels with the uicontrol element.

For example:

  • Select the Bookmarks check box.
  • Clear the Bookmarks check box.


Refer to the clipboard conjunction with the preposition to and by using lowercase only.

Do not apply tagging to the word clipboard.

For example, The selected items are copied to the clipboard.


Refer to a column by its label and always describe this user interface element as a column.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Tag column labels with the uicontrol element.

For example, In the Name column, (…).

combo box

A combo box combines a drop-down list and an editable text box. Combo boxes provide users with the option of either entering a value manually or selecting a value from the drop-down list.

Refer to a combo box by its label, but do not describe this user interface element as a combo box in content intended for non-technical audiences. Instead, follow the combo box label with the word box.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in. Because users can either enter or select their choice, match this type of box with the phrase enter or select.

Tag combo box labels with the uicontrol element.

For example, In the Font box, enter or select the font that you want to use.


When referring to a dashboard, use lowercase only.

Use in conjunction with the preposition on and the verb open.

Do not apply tagging to the word dashboard.

For example, On the Case Manager dashboard, (…).

dialog box

Refer to a dialog box by its title and always follow the label with the term dialog box.

Note: Do not shorten to dialog and do not use the terms pop-up window, pop-up box, or pop-up dialog.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Tag dialog box titles with the wintitle element.

For example, In the Save As dialog box, (…).


A directory is a concept used to indicate specific locations in the structure of a computer’s file system.

Note: Avoid this term in content intended for non-technical audiences. Do not use the terms directory and folder interchangeably.

Refer to a directory by its name and always follow the name with the term directory.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Tag directory names with the filepath element.

For example, A user’s files are stored in their /home directory.

drop-down arrow

Refer to a drop-down arrow by its label. In most cases, it is not necessary to use the adjective drop-down with the noun arrow. Instead, you can describe this user interface element simply as an arrow.

Use in conjunction with the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Tag arrow labels with the uicontrol element.

For example, Click the Size arrow to see more options.

drop-down list, drop-down menu

Refer to a drop-down list by its label. In most cases, it is not necessary to describe this user interface element as a drop-down list. Instead, you can describe it simply as a list.

Note: As opposed to combo boxes, drop-down lists do not allow manual text entry.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in and the verb select.

Tag drop-down list labels with the uicontrol element.

For example, In the Item list, select Desktop.


In Pega Platform, an explorer provides a way to access and explore the components that constitute an application, for example, rules, data types, or case types.

Refer to an explorer by its name, capitalize the name, and describe this user interface element as an explorer.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Do not apply tagging to the names of explorers or the noun explorer itself.

For example, In the Case Type explorer, (…)


Refer to a field by its label and describe this user interface element as a field.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in and the verb enter.

Tag field labels with the uicontrol element.

For example, In the Name field, enter your user name.


Folders are graphical representations of directories in the structure of a computer’s file system.

Note: Do not use the terms directory and folder interchangeably.

Refer to a folder by its name and describe this user interface element as a folder.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in and the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

In the context of an action that a user performs as part of a step in a procedure, tag folder names with the uicontrol element. Otherwise, do not apply tagging.

For example:

  • Click the Music folder.
  • In the Music folder, (…)


Refer to a form by its name and describe this user interface element as a form; if the form you are referring to is a Pega Platform rule form, use the rule form description instead.

Use in conjunction with the preposition on.

Do not apply tagging to form names.

For example:

  • On the Perform form, (…)
  • On the ABC rule form, (…)


A gadget performs an additional function to accompany the platform that it was built for. An example of a gadget in Pega Platform is the Pulse gadget.

Refer to a gadget by its name and describe this user interface element as a gadget.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in and the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Do not apply tagging to gadget names.

For example, In the Pulse gadget, (…).


Use header to refer to the name of the application of which it is a part.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Do not apply tagging.

For example, In the header of Dev Studio...

home page

Refer to the home page by using lowercase only.

Use in conjunction with the preposition on.

Do not apply tagging.

For example, On the home page, (…).


Refer to an icon by its label and describe this user interface element as an icon; if the icon does not have a text label, refer to the icon by the text that appears in the tooltip. Always capitalize the first word in the label.

Use in conjunction with the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap. Do not use prepositions.

If the location of the icon in the UI seems not immediately obvious to users, or if the same icon is used for different purposes, add information that helps the user click the correct icon.

For other user interface elements that are identified by a graphic instead of a text label, use the most descriptive term available, such as button, box, or check box.

Tag icon labels with the uicontrol element.

For example:

  • Click the Delete icon.
  • In the upper right corner of the screen, click the Properties icon.

keyboard key

Although keyboard keys are not part of the graphical user interface, they do provide a means of interacting with the software. When you refer to keyboard keys, use sentence capitalization and write press to describe pressing a key.

For example:

  • "In the Style field, choose the custom format that you want to use by pressing the Down arrow key."
  • "To select the data page to use as the source of the list values, press the Up arrow key."
  • "Click a node for the requestor display, and then press Enter."

landing page

In Pega Platform, a landing page is divided into one or more tabs that provide information or tools that assist a business analyst, system architect, or system administrator in designing, building, and maintaining applications. Most landing pages are available from the header of Dev Studio.

Refer to a landing page by its name and always capitalize the name.

Use in conjunction with the preposition on.

Do not apply tagging.

For example, On the Automated Unit Testing landing page.

list, list box

A list, also known as a list box, presents a list of options in the form of a text box with multiple lines of text. As opposed to drop-down lists, lists do not group the available options into an expandable menu.

Refer to a list by its label. In most cases, it is not necessary to describe this user interface element as a list box. Instead, you can describe it simply as a list.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in and the verb select.

For example, In the Background list, select Coffee bean.

menu bar

Refer to the menu bar by using lowercase only.

Use in conjunction with the preposition on.

Do not apply tagging.

For example, On the menu bar, click Help.


Refer to menus by their labels followed by the word menu.

Use in conjunction with the preposition on and the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Tag menu labels with the uicontrol element. If you want to guide users through a series of cascading menus, use the menucascade element.

For example:

  • On the Actions menu, (…)
  • Click the File menu.
  • Click Dev StudioIntegrationEmail.

menu item

Refer to a menu item by its label, but do not describe it as an item or menu item.

Use in conjunction with the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Tag menu item labels with the uicontrol element.

For example, On the File menu, click Open.


Refer to a page by its title and describe it as a page.

Use in conjunction with the preposition on.

Tag page titles with the wintitle element.

For example, On the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, (…).


Refer to a palette by its title and describe it as a palette.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Tag palette titles with the uicontrol element.

For example, In the Color palette, click the color that you want.


A pane separates an application window into multiple, independent areas that, in some cases, can be scrolled or resized.

Note: Use pane in favor of panel.

Refer to a pane by its title or label.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in and the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Tag pane titles or labels with the wintitle element.

For example:

  • When the Navigation pane is open, you can close it to increase your workspace.
  • Click the Navigation pane to open it.


In an application built on Pega Platform, a portal provides case managers and case workers with the tools and features that are specific to their role in an organization.

Refer to a portal by its name and describe it as a portal.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Do not apply tagging to portal names.

For example, In the Case Manager portal, (…).

radio button

Refer to a radio button by its label, but do not describe it as a radio button.

Use in conjunction with the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Tag radio button labels with the uicontrol element.

For example, Click Portrait..


Refer to a row by its label and always describe this user interface element as a row.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Tag row labels with the <uicontrol> element.

For example, “In the Name row, (…)”.


Refer to a screen conjunction with the preposition on and by using lowercase only.

Do not apply tagging to the word screen.

For example, Each region on a screen can contain a single section..


Refer to a section by its name. If the section is unnamed, describe the section in a meaningful and easily comprehensible manner, for example, by its location on the screen relative to other UI elements.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in. For clickable sections that show more content when you click them, use the verbs expand and collapse, without any preposition. For more information, see Prepositions, verbs, and tags used with user interface elements.

Tag section names with the wintitle element.

For example, In the Embedded Binaries section, (…).


If the slider has a label, refer to it by that label and describe the UI element as a slider. Otherwise, refer to the slider by its description.

Note: Do not describe a slider as a slider control.

Use in conjunction with the verb move.

Tag slider labels with the uicontrol element.

For example:

  • Move the slider to the left to decrease pointer speed.
  • Move the Sensitivity slider.


A switch allows you to toggle an option between two opposing states. For example, on and off, or enabled and disabled.

Refer to a switch by its label and describe it as a switch.

Use in conjunction with the phrasal verbs turn on or turn off.

Tag switch labels with the uicontrol element.

For example, Turn on the iOS platform switch..


Refer to a tab by its name and describe it as a tab.

Use in conjunction with the preposition on and the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Tag tab names with the uicontrol element.

For example:

  • Click the Data Access tab.
  • On the Design tab, (…)


Refer to a table by its title and describe it as a table.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Tag table titles with the uicontrol element.

For example, In the Toolbars table, select the toolbar that you want to display.

text box,

Refer to a text box by its label and describe it as a box.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Tag text box labels with the uicontrol element.

For example, In the Size box, (…).


Refer to a toolbar by its title and describe it as a toolbar. If the toolbar is untitled, refer to it in a meaningful and easily comprehensible manner, for example, by its location on the screen relative to other UI elements.

Use in conjunction with the preposition on.

Tag toolbar titles with the uicontrol element.

For example, On the Quick Access toolbar, click New..

user interface

Spell user interface in lowercase only.

Use in conjunction with the preposition on.

For example, The color can be adjusted on the user interface.

vertical ellipsis (icon)

When you refer to the vertical ellipsis icon when there is no tooltip available, name it More.

Use in conjunction with the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap. Do not use prepositions.

For example, "In the Adaptive models section, click the More icon.


Refer to a view by its name and describe it as a view.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in and the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Do not apply tagging to view names.

For example:

  • Switch to Design view by right-clicking the form and then clicking Design View.
  • In the Design view, (…)


Like a gadget, a widget shows users extra information about an application. However, unlike gadgets, widgets are not interactive. They may have one or two configurable options, but that is all.

Refer to a widget by its name and describe it as a widget.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in and the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Tag widget names with the wintitle element.

For example, "In the Team members widget..."


Refer to a window by its title and describe it as a window.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in and the verb open.

Tag window titles with the wintitle element.

For example:

  • Open the Database Properties window.
  • In the Database Properties window, (…)

wizard, wizard page

Refer to a wizard by its name and to a wizard page by its title followed by page.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in and the verb click. In mobile apps contexts, use the verb tap.

Do not apply tagging to wizard names, but tag wizard page titles with the wintitle element.

For example, In the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard, on the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.


In Pega Platform, a workspace provides tools and features that are specific to a particular area of developing or managing a Pega application.

Refer to a workspace by its name, but do not describe this user interface element as a workspace.

Use in conjunction with the preposition in.

Do not apply any tagging to the name of a workspace. Instead, make a reference to the name of the workspace by using the keyword element and keyref attribute pair.

For example, In Dev Studio, (…).

For more information, see Improve productivity by using role-based workspaces.

  • Previous topic Correct placement of the word &ldquo;only&rdquo;
  • Next topic Prepositions, verbs, and tags used with user interface elements

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