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Supported features for offline-enabled applications across Pega Platform versions

Updated on April 20, 2021

Pega Platform™ provides the ability to build offline-enabled applications for a seamless experience for mobile employees and other users. Different features are supported in offline mode for each Pega Platform release. Before you create offline-enabled applications, review the features that are supported for your version of Pega Platform.

Note: Pega Platform 7.1.8 version mentioned in the tables below requires the offline capability branch.

Flow processing

The following flow processing features are supported in offline-enabled applications across different Pega Platform versions.

Create case (with new harness, no new harness, only new harness)XXXXXXXXXXX
Perform assignments (including back-to-back case steps)XXXXXXXXXXX
Route to another userXXXXXXXXXXX
Regular flow and screen flowXXXXXXXXXXX
Pre-activities and post-activities for screenflow steps. Must be replicated in JavaScript code to work in offline mode.XXXXXXXXXXX
Breadcrumb (backward and forward jumps, requires custom code)XXXXXXXXXXX
OSCO breakout - processing of non-offline-enabled cases when online  XXXXXXXXX
Create work with parameters  XXXXXXXXX
Audit trail population with time stamps and geolocation for offline actions  XXXXXXXXX
Case objects available in offline mode (in addition to assignments) by ad-hoc pull  XXXXXXXXX
Subflows   XXXXXXXX
Flow results using properties offline   XXXXXXXX
Ability to go back in a flow   XXXXXXXX
Question shape and subprocesses   XXXXXXXX
Decision shape evaluating simple Boolean expression XXXXXXXXXX
Run pre-flow and post-flow action data transforms    XXXXXXX
Apply data transforms on flow connector    XXXXXXX
Validate rule (with library functions support)     XXXXXX
Create manually instantiated subcase     XXXXXX
Create automatically instantiated subcase     XXXXXX
Skip server postprocessing activities     XXXXXX
Optimize packaging during full and delta sync      XXXXX
Save assignments data in the Error work basket while syncing, if found to be routed to another operator       XXXX
When rules        XXX
Defer commit        XXX
Send the delta of work page during delta sync        XXX
Optional processes         XX
Actions in Data transform         XX
Decision Table rules          X


The following features related to logic are supported in offline-enabled applications across different Pega Platform versions.

Client-side visibility conditionsXXXXXXXXXXX
Client-side validationXXXXXXXXXXX
Server-side validation written in JavaScriptXXXXXXXXXXX
Client-side, JavaScript-based declarativeXXXXXXXXXXX
Parameterized data pages (with JavaScript custom populator function)XXXXXXXXXXX
Parameterized data pages without custom JavaScript functions (applies to large data pages sourced from report definitions)    XXXXXXX
Simple expression-based decision shape XXXXXXXXXX
Autopopulated properties  XXXXXXXXX
Basic validations to display errors and warnings   XXXXXXXX
Record last sync time in database       XXXX
Optimized EMBED-SIIPs for non-required categories for delta sync       XXXX


The following features related to actions are supported in offline-enabled applications across different Pega Platform versions.

Display actions: Close, Expand and Collapse, Menu, Post value, Set focus, Set style, Set valueXXXXXXXXXXX
Process Work actions: Add new work, Cancel, Finish assignment, SaveXXXXXXXXXXX
Launch actions: Harness (only New Document and Replace Current), Local action (from button, link, or icon)XXXXXXXXXXX
Launch actions: Scan barcode/QR code XXXXXXXXXX
Get Work actions: Create work, Open assignment, Open work by handleXXXXXXXXXXX
List actions: Set focusXXXXXXXXXXX
Other actions: Log off, Run scriptXXXXXXXXXXX
Call activity extension point (call named activity on server upon sync)XXXXXXXXXXX
Other actions: Run data transform    XXXXXXX
Display actions: Refresh section with data transform    XXXXXXX

UI controls and components

The following user interface control and component features are supported in offline-enabled applications across different Pega Platform versions.

Text input, date, time, check box, radio button, drop-down list, cascading drop-down list, repeating dynamic layoutXXXXXXXXXXX
Attach contentXXXXXXXXXXX
Signature captureXXXXXXXXXXX
View static PDF filesXXXXXXXXXXX
Formatting: none, text, date-time (custom), email, phone, URL, true-false, numberXXXXXXXXXXX
Cascading drop-down listsXXXXXXXXXXX
Repeating dynamic layout - with ability to add and remove row without JavaScript  XXXXXXXXX
Repeating dynamic layout - master detail interaction and view for both online and offline-enabled cases  XXXXXXXXX
Autocomplete sourced from data page  XXXXXXXXX
Paragraph rules   XXXXXXXX
All configurations of text input, icons, date control   XXXXXXXX
Currency     XXXXXX
Preview and delete attachments and limit attachment size     XXXXXX

Removed restrictions

The following restrictions have been removed and are now supported in offline-enabled applications across different Pega Platform versions.

Large data pages: support for data page sizes of 8 MB or more; high granularity of synchronization  XXXXXXXXX
Large data pages: no requirement of at least one row in large data pages if sourced from a report definition; page type properties support        XXX
Localization: ability to store multiple languages and switch language mid-session   XXXXXXXX

Application development and maintenance

The following application development and maintenance features are supported in offline-enabled applications across different Pega Platform versions.

Offline landing page  XXXXXXXXX
Debugging with mobile clipboard (iOS)  XXXXXXXXX
Collective analysis of data sync failures on the server   XXXXXXXX
Offline application troubleshooting in a browser        XXX

Pega Survey

The following Pega Survey features are supported in offline-enabled applications across different Pega Platform versions.

Simple questions (smart shape)   XXXXXXXX
Complex questions (smart shape)           
Question page (smart shape)           
Survey rule (smart shape)           
Branching logic (branching to another question based on answer)   XXXXXXXX
Display logic (hiding question on screen based on condition)           
Warning messages           


The following infrastructure features are supported in offline-enabled applications across different Pega Platform versions.

GZIP compression for DataSync requests       XXXX
Sending DataSync requests in chunks       XXXX
Server-side actions queuing       XXXX
Actions bundling       XXXX

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