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Identifying loaded module versions

Updated on April 5, 2022

The module version report provides information about the classes (modules) in the system, the versions of the modules, the update dates of the module versions, and the corresponding node ID. You can generate the module version report to identify discrepancies in the versions of the modules (classes) across Pega Platform nodes, which helps engineers when they debug problems.

Before you begin: To access the Class Management landing page and generate the module version report, you must have the PegaRULES:SysOpsObserver or PegaRULES:SysOpsAdministrator role.
You can generate the report for a single node, current or remote, or all the nodes in the cluster. The report is provided in CSV format.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click ConfigureSystemReleaseClass Management.
  2. Select a node from the Select Cluster/Node list.
    • Select All Nodes to generate a module version report for all the nodes in the cluster.
    • Select a specific node (either the current node or a remote node) to generate a module version report only for this node.
  3. If you cannot find a specific class in the module version report that you generated previously, this means that the class was not loaded to the system. The system does not load the classes that are not used by your application. Manually load the class for which you want to check the module version.
    1. Select the Load class and generate report check box.
    2. In the Class name field, specify the fully qualified name of the class that you want to add to the module version report.
      • The module version report supports only limited Pega Platform engine classes.

      • If you try to load a class that is already loaded, the class is not reloaded.

    3. Click Load.
      The class is loaded on the specific node or all nodes in the cluster, depending on what you selected in step 2, and is added to the module version report that you generate.
  4. Click Generate report.
  5. Click the Generated report. Click here to download the zip file link to download the module version report.

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