Schema Tools
Schema Tools lets you perform advanced database tuning and maintenance tasks including viewing the tables, columns, indexes, and views in the PegaRULES and PegaDATA database schemas, increasing the size of text columns, adding and deleting indexes, updating database statistics for a table, and defragmenting a table.
The Schema Tools landing page is available to Pega Cloud customers. You need the PegaRULES:DatabaseAdministator role to access this page. In addition, you need the privilege associated with the task that you want to perform and the schema that you want to access. For a list of privileges, see Accessing database administration operations on Pega Community.
Schema Tools provides an audit trail of actions taken. Some actions, such as defragmenting a table might take some time to finish and run in the background after being started by the database administrator (DBA). The status of such actions can be checked by refreshing the landing page and by checking the audit trail.
- Query Inspector
An explain plan is the internal sequence of steps that the SQL query uses to tune the SQL query. It is useful for improving query efficiency. Use the Query Inspector to enter or paste an SQL query and generate an explain plan.
- Separate logging for schema operations
Operations performed using the Schema Tools landing page, including Pega Cloud schema operations, can be logged to a separate file from the PegaRules log file. To enable logging to a separate file, add the following appender to the prlog4j2.xml file.
Previous topic Viewing database schema information using Schema Tools Next topic Query Inspector