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Generating a DDL file of schema changes that are referenced from an archive file

Updated on August 25, 2021

The import process can apply those schema changes from an archive automatically, or you can generate a DDL file of schema changes from the command line and apply the changes manually.

  1. Configure the common properties of the file.

    Property name Value
    pega.jdbc.driver.jarPath to the database driver .jar file.
    pega.jdbc.driver.classThe database driver class.
    pega.database.typeDatabase vendor type.
    pega.jdbc.urlURL of your database.
    pega.jdbc.usernameDatabase user name.
    pega.jdbc.password Database password.
    rules.schema.nameIf you use a split schema, the value for the rules schema name. If you do not use a split schema, the value for the schema name.
    data.schema.nameIf you use a split schema, the value for the data schema name.
  2. Configure the Generate DDL properties of the file.

    Property name Value
    schema.archive.inputThe full path to the archive file that contains the schema definition. To specify multiple input files and generate multiple DDL files, use commas to delimit the list.
    schema.generated.outputThe full path to the output directory for the DDL files. For example, C:/Output.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Run the prpcUtils.bat or script with the generateDDL option, for example:
    prpcUtils.bat generateDDL
  5. Give the DDL file to the database administrator to apply to your database.
  • Previous topic Importing rules and data by using a direct connection to the database
  • Next topic Migrating products and applications from the command line

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