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Retrieving service-enabled job status

Updated on August 25, 2021

Import, export, expose, and hotfix operations, and all asynchronous rollback operations, return a JobID. After you run an asynchronous service-enabled job, retrieve the job status to determine whether the job was successful.

  1. Configure the common properties in the file.

    Property name Value URL for the REST service, specified in the following format:

    http:// <hostname> : <port> / <context> /PRRestService/

    For example: http://myhost:8080/prweb/PRRestService operator name on the target system with access to REST services. password of the specified operator.

    The host name of the REST proxy server. Do not use localhost as the host name.

    The port for the REST proxy server.

    The operator name on the REST proxy server with import and export access.

    The password of the REST proxy operator.

    The domain of the REST proxy server.

    The workstation ID for the REST proxy server. REST response type, either xml or json. The default value is json. Rollback, restore point, and update access group operations support only json.

    Enter the full path to the temporary directory. Leave this blank to use the default temporary directory. For more information about temporary directories, see Temporary files and temporary files directories .

  2. Configure the status properties:

    Property name Value
    getstatus.jobID The job ID for an asynchronous process.
    getstatus.operationName The operation name associated with the job ID: import, export, expose, hotfix, or rollback.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Run the prpcServiceUtils.bat or script, for example: prpcServiceUtils.bat getStatus

    Pass one or more arguments.

    prpcServiceUtils script argument Value
    artifactsDirThe full path to the output file location, for those functions that generate output. The default is the /scripts/utils/logs directory.
    connPropFileThe full path to the file that includes information for multiple targets.
    poolSizeThe thread pool size. The default is 5.
    requestTimeOutThe number of seconds the system waits for a response before failing with a time-out error. The default is 300 seconds.
    jobIdFileThe path to the job IDs file that is generated by the asynchronous operation.
    propFileThe property file name, to override the default file.
    operationNameSpecify the operation that generated the job ID for getStatus: import, export, expose, hotfix, or rollback.
  5. When the system returns the job status, review the message to determine if the job was successful.
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