Viewing database schema using Schema Tools
You can view your Pega Cloud Services database schema information for tables, columns, views, and indexes using Schema Tools. When you click any of these elements in the display, relevant information is displayed on the right side of the landing page, along with appropriate actions for updating the element in the database.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- Expand the database schema tree and select the element that you want to view. The
following information is displayed in the right panel for each type of element:
- Tables – History of actions performed, estimated number of rows in the table, time since the last statistics were collected, and the number of rows by class
- Columns – Table name, data type, and width, if available, and average and maximum BLOB size for columns that have a data type of BLOB
- Views – View definition
- Index – Table name, type, and ordered list of index components. Index components consist of either database columns or functions. The primary key is indicated by an icon next to the name.
- Viewing the history of Schema Tools actions
You can view the history of actions taken on a database table to see the status of an operation in Schema Tools. This information will also be reflected on the Schema Change Tracking tab.
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