Managing listeners
Use Admin Studio to manage listeners to debug and trace any problems with listener activity. You can view lists of available listeners. and associated nodes. You can also start, stop, restart, and trace listeners.
To access the Listener Management landing page, view the list of listeners, and view more details about a listener, you must have the PegaRULES:SysOpsObserver role. To perform all available actions on listeners, for example, to start or stop a listener, you must also have the PegaRULES:SysOpsAdministrator role.
For general information about listeners, see the Dev Studio help.
- Starting a listener
You can start any listener that is available in the cluster. The selected listener is started based on the listener startup option that is specified on the Properties tab of the listener form, unless you use the specific node view. In that situation, a listener is started only on this node.
- Restarting a listener
You can restart a listener that is already running in the cluster or in the specific node.
- Stopping a listener
You can stop a listener that is running in the cluster or on the specific node. The listeners that you stop are removed from the list.
- Tracing a listener
You can trace a listener that is available in the cluster or on a specific node to debug its activity.
- Associating listeners with node types
To effectively use node classification, you must associate listeners with node types so that only nodes with this node type assignment process the listener work requests.
- Terminating a tracer session for a listener
You can stop the Tracer tool for listeners when the tracing session did not shut down correctly, for example, because of network issues.
- Viewing details for a requestor pool
You can view details about any requestor pool across the cluster, such as the service package name, node id, access group for the service package, the basic metrics for requestor pools, thresholds that are configured for requestor pools, and the time the requestor pool was last accessed.
- Debugging listeners by using remote logging
For on-premises environments, you can troubleshoot listeners with more detail than is available using the Tracer by using remote logging.
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