Modifying the log level and filter criteria for a log category
Temporarily modify the messages that appear in the log file by changing the log level
and filter criteria of a log category. For example, you can change the logging level for
activities in the Work- class from ERROR
for troubleshooting purposes.
- In the navigation pane of Admin Studio, click .
- For the log category that you want to modify, click the More icon and then click Change log level.
- In the Log level list, select the log level that you want to apply to the log category.
- To increase the time until Pega Platform resets the log level and filter criteria back to their default settings, select a different Reset period.
- If you change the log level to
ERROR or Debug, then you can
filter events in the log file for specific operators, rule types, classes, or
- To filter logging events based on a specific user, in the Operator field, enter the operator ID.
- To filter logging events based on a specific type of rule, in the Rule Type list, select the type of rule. You can filter events for an activity, data transform, automation, REST service, or queue processor rule type. If you are filtering based on an activity, data transform, or automation rule, then select the class for the rule.
- To filter logging events based on a specific rule, in the Rule field, enter the rule that you want to include in the log results.
- Click Submit.
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