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Updating dependent applications with the latest versions of built-on applications

Updated on July 8, 2022

You can automatically update dependent applications so that they are built on the latest versions of the applications that you import.

For example, you built an application on MyDemoApp:01-01 and have since updated it to version 01-03-03 by configuring a product rule to update dependent applications. When you import the product rule archive that contains MyDemoApp:01-03-03, all the dependent applications that are built on MyDemoApp:01-01 are automatically updated to be built on MyDemoApp:01-03-03, as shown in the following figure.

Dependent applications updated to use latest built-in applications
Updated dependent applications
  1. If you do not already have a product rule, package your application in a product rule. For more information, see Packaging your application in a product rule.
  2. Edit and configure the product rule. Ensure that you select the Update dependent application check box for each built-on application for which you want to update dependent applications.
    For more information about editing product rules, see Editing a product rule.
  3. Create the archive. For more information, see Previewing and creating the archive file for a product rule
  4. Import the archive by using the Import wizard. For more information, see Importing rules and data by using the Import wizard.
  5. Select how you want to update dependent applications:
    • To update all dependent applications with the built-on applications that you selected on the Product rule form, click Import. You will not be able to review the built-on applications that are in the archive or select the applications for which to update dependent applications.
    • To review and select the built-on applications for which dependent applications will be updated, go to advanced mode. For more information, see Setting advanced mode and reviewing the archive contents.
Result: After importing the archive, dependent applications are built on the latest versions of the applications that you selected in the archive.
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