Updating dynamic system settings by using Java methods
Some dynamic system settings instances are created automatically during installation or upgrade of a Pega Platform system. However, your application can also create, set, or query instances of this class using Java methods in the PublicAPI PRSystemSettings interface.
Java methods you can use include:- string getDynamic(OwningRuleSet, SettingKey) — Returns the dynamic system settings value currently associated with the supplied key.
- boolean setDynamic(OwningRuleSet, SettingKey, newvalue) — Updates the value of an existing dynamic system settings value.
The PublicAPI PRSystemSettings interface also lets your application query the application settings rule type (Rule-Admin-System-Settings).
- string get (OwningRuleSet, SettingKey) — Uses rule resolution to find an application settings rule (Rule-Admin-System-Settings rule type) to return its value.
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