Testing and debugging connectors
You can set up a connector simulator prior to having your connector activity and connector rule created. Often during application development you will stub out your integration points (i.e. the integration shapes in your process flow that call connector activities). Early in development you may not have access to the database table you want to connect with, or you may not have access to the SOAP service you want to connect with. The same goes for other types of connectors. A connector simulator allows you to temporarily execute an activity that acts as a placeholder until you get the “real” connector activity created.
There is the capability on connector rules to test out the connection to an external system. PRPC makes sure it can ping the external system. For instance, PRPC makes sure it can:
- Connect to the URL specified in a Soap connector rule
- Connect to the database specified in a SQL connector rule
You can configure alerts for elapsed time of database operations. This is relevant for SQL Connectors. Configuration is done in prconfig.xml.