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Troubleshooting: "bExcelAutoGenManagerShell File Not Found" when starting Excel

Updated on November 15, 2015


A developer asks:

When I'm looking at the Class Explorer list of properties, there is a button in the upper right corner captioned "Excel Editor." However, when I click it I get the following error message:

bExcelAutoGenManagerShell File not Found

How can I get beyond this error and see the intended Excel Editor display?


Suggested Approach

A stale version of an ActiveX control (OCX file) can cause this. To force a download of the current version of the ActiveX control:

  1. Close all Internet Explorer windows.
  2. Use the Windows File Manager to access the c:\windows\Downloaded Program Files directory
  3. Delete prImportManager.ocx,
  4. Go into each CONFLICT.X directory remove any files and the directory.
  5. Restart Internet Explorer
  6. Log on to Process Commander.

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