Troubleshooting: Urgency value in worklist display does not reflect change
An application user just used the standard Work-.UrgencyUpdate flow action. The work object seemed to update the urgency, but on the worklist display, the urgency value is unchanged.
Suggested Approach
The Work-.UrgencyUpdate flow action updates the work object's urgency (property Work-.pyUrgencyWork) not the assignment's urgency, a separate property.
The standard worklist is a list of assignments, not a list of work objects, and displays the assignment urgency, property Assign-.pxUrgencyWork. This value determines the sort order of rows of the worklist.
Use the Work-.Save flow action to update the assignment urgency.
In many applications, standard Declare Expression rules compute both urgency values based on multiple inputs. For example, an assignment may be very urgent because of a daily 4 P.M. cutoff that can be met if the assignment is completed by then. (The department may attempt to complete all such assignments each day before the cutoff.)
However, the urgency of resolving the work object may depend more on a dollar amount or a customer party. Thus a high assignment urgency can occur for a work object that has a low overall work object urgency.
Note that the urgency value displayed in the work object form is for the work object. So if you use the Save flow action to update the assignment urgency, the work object urgency value at the top of the form is unaffected.