Use the SnapStart feature with the Mashup SDK on iOS
The Mashup SDK API includes the SnapStart feature, which permits direct interaction with a connected Pega 7 Platform application from a native mobile iOS app that is developed separately. After you sign in to the Pega 7 Platform instance, you can use SnapStart to create a case; open an existing case, harness, or assignment; or run an activity. You perform these actions by using one or more HTML web views within the native iOS app.
- Prerequisites
- Obtain the PMSnapStartViewController object
- Add delegate methods
- Create a case
- Open a case by ID
- Show a harness
- Open an assignment
- Run an activity
- Additional properties
Before you continue, read the following information:
- Setting up the Mashup SDK for iOS app development.
- Authenticate with Mashup on iOS.
- Mashup SDK AppleDocs, which describe the API.
Obtain the PMSnapStartViewController object
To use the Mashup SDK SnapStart feature in your Swift or Objective-C code for the native iOS app, you must initialize the PMSnapStartViewController
To create multiple Mashup views, you must create separate instances of the PMSnapStartViewController
object. Each ViewController
uses a separate instance of the HybridWebView
object internally. Assign a unique name to each WebView
by using a call similar to: snapStartController.webViewName = "caseWebView"
(Swift) or snapStartController.webViewName = @"caseWebView"
(Objective-C). You do not need to create a WebView
instance manually. Everything is handled by the PMSnapStartViewController
object, which is a fully functional ViewController
that can be added directly to view the hierarchy.
After you obtain an instance of this object, use it in your Swift or Objective-C code to create a case; open an existing case, harness, assignment; or run an activity by calling a specific SnapStart function.
The following example shows how to obtain an instance of the PMSnapStartViewController
object in Swift:
let snapStartController = PMSnapStartViewController() snapStartController.delegate = self snapStartController.webViewName = "caseWebView"
The following example shows how to obtain an instance of the PMSnapStartViewController
object in Objective-C:
PMSnapStartViewController *snapStartController = [[PMSnapStartViewController alloc] init]; snapStartController.delegate = self; snapStartController.webViewName = @"caseWebView";
You can call the performAction()
method immediately after initializing the PMSnapStartViewController
object and passing the activity to it. Invoking this method creates a web view in the background and starts to load the content. The performAction()
method is used to preload the content so that the user is not presented with an initial blank screen in their mobile app. When the didPerformAction()
delegate method is invoked, the PMSnapStartViewController
object has finished loading.
Add delegate methods
When you use the SnapStart module, make sure to also add delegate methods that include submitting or canceling an action, such as when a user closes the current window in the web view. The user should be returned to the last native app screen that invoked the Pega 7 Platform web view.
Make sure to register the didFinishAction:
See the following Swift code for an example:
func snapStartController(controller: PMSnapStartViewController, didStartAction action: PMSnapStartAction) { // add code to handle a situation when the first screen was started or the first step of the action was loaded } func snapStartController(controller: PMSnapStartViewController, didFailAction action: PMSnapStartAction, withError error: NSError) { // add code to handle failures that occur while running action } func snapStartController(controller: PMSnapStartViewController, didFinishAction action: PMSnapStartAction) { // add code to handle a situation when an action is finished, in other words, the SnapStart window is closed }
See the following equivalent Objective-C code for an example:
- (void)snapStartController:(PMSnapStartViewController *)controller didStartAction:(PMSnapStartAction *)action { // add code to handle a situation when the first screen was started or the first step of the action was loaded } - (void)snapStartController:(PMSnapStartViewController *)controller didFailAction:(PMSnapStartAction *)action withError:(NSError *)error { // add code to handle failures that occur while running action } - (void)snapStartController:(PMSnapStartViewController *)controller didFinishAction:(PMSnapStartAction *)action { // add code to handle a situation when an action is finished, in other words, the SnapStart window is closed }
Create a case
To create a case in the connected Pega 7 Platform instance from within your native iOS app, you must first create an instance of the PMCreateCaseAction
object by calling the initWithPortalURL:insClass:
method and passing several parameters to it, as shown in the following table.
Parameter | Description | Type |
insClass | Class name of the work type (case type). | NSString |
flowType (required) | Name of the flow to run. | NSString |
portalURL (required) | The URL pointing to a Pega 7 Platform instance. | NSURL |
Next, call the performAction:
method on the instance of the PMSnapStartViewController
object, passing the create case object to it as a parameter.
The following example shows the Swift code that creates a case:
let portalURL = NSURL(string: "portalURL") let createCase = PMCreateCaseAction(portalURL: portalURL, flowType: "pyStartCase", insClass:"Wb-WBTest-Work-TestCase") snapStartController.performAction(createCase)
The following example shows the equivalent Objective-C code that creates a case:
NSURL *portalURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"portalURL"]; PMCreateCaseAction *createCase = [[PMCreateCaseAction alloc] initWithPortalURL:portalURL flowType:@"pyStartCase" insClass:@"Wb-WBTest-Work-TestCase"]; [snapStartController performAction:createCase];
Open a case by ID
To open an existing case in the connected Pega 7 Platform instance from within your native iOS app, you must first create an instance of the PMOpenCaseByIdAction
object by calling the initWithPortalURL:insHandle:
method, passing a parameter as shown in the following table.
Parameter | Description | Type |
insHandle | The identifier of the case (pzInsKey). | NSString |
portalURL (required) | The URL pointing to a Pega 7 Platform instance. | NSURL |
Next, call the performAction:
method on the instance of the PMSnapStartViewController
object, passing the open case object to it as a parameter.
The following example shows the Swift code that opens an existing case:
let portalURL = NSURL(string: "portalURL") let openCase = PMOpenCaseByIdAction(portalURL: portalURL, insHandle: "WB-WBTEST-WORK T-24") snapStartController.performAction(openCase)
The following example shows the equivalent Objective-C code that opens an existing case:
NSURL *portalURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"portalURL"]; PMOpenCaseByIdAction *openCase = [[PMOpenCaseByIdAction alloc] initWithPortalURL:portalURL insHandle:@"WB-WBTEST-WORK T-24"]; [snapStartController performAction:openCase];;
Show a harness
To show a harness from the connected Pega 7 Platform instance within your native iOS app, you must first create an instance of the PMOpenHarnessAction
object by calling the initWithPortalURL:purpose:className:
method and passing several parameters to it, as shown in the following table.
Parameter | Description | Type |
harnessTarget (required) | The destination of the harness. By default, it is always set to "newDocument", so you do not have to use it in your call. However, if needed, you can change it to another value. | NSString |
className (required) | The class that the harness belongs to. If you use pzMobileInitActivity, then:
| NSString |
purpose (required) | The name of the harness. | NSString |
portalURL (required) | The URL that points to a Pega 7 Platform instance. | NSURL |
After you have an instance of PMOpenHarnessAction
, you can set the following additional optional parameters on this object:
Parameter | Description | Type |
readOnly (optional) | Makes the harness read-only. Default value is false. | BOOL |
pzMobileInitActivity (optional) | The name of activity to be called to initialize data. Keep in mind that:
| NSString |
pzMobileContextPageName (optional) | The name of the page that the activity works on and that the showHarness is opened against. Keep in mind that:
| NSString |
Next, call the performAction:
method on the instance of the PMSnapStartViewController
object, passing the open harness object to it as a parameter.
The following Swift code example shows a read-only harness:
let portalURL = NSURL(string: "portalURL") let openHarness = PMOpenHarnessAction(portalURL: portalURL, purpose: "UserDetails", className:"WB-WBTEST-WORK-TESTCASE") openHarness.readOnly = true snapStartController.performAction(openHarness)
The following equivalent Objective-C code example shows a read-only harness:
NSURL *portalURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"portalURL"]; PMOpenHarnessAction *openHarness = [[PMOpenHarnessAction alloc] initWithPortalURL:portalURL purpose:@"UserDetails" className:@"WB-WBTEST-WORK-TESTCASE"]; openHarness.readOnly = YES; [snapStartController performAction:openHarness];
Open an assignment
To open an assignment in the connected Pega 7 Platform instance from within your native iOS app, you must create an instance of the PMOpenAssignmentAction
object by calling the initWithPortalURL:insHandle:insClass:
method and passing several parameters to it, as shown in the following table.
Parameter | Description | Type |
insHandle | The assignment instance handle (pzInsKey). | NSString |
insClass (required) | The class of the assignment, which often consists of "Assign-". | NSString |
portalURL (required) | The URL pointing to a Pega 7 Platform instance. | NSURL |
Next, call the performAction:
method on the instance of the PMSnapStartViewController
object, passing the open assignment object to it as a parameter.
The following example shows the Swift code that opens an assignment:
let portalURL = NSURL(string: "portalURL") let openAssignment = PMOpenAssignmentAction(portalURL: portalURL, insHandle: "ASSIGN-WORKLIST WB-WBTEST-WORK T-17!OPEN", insClass:"Assign-" snapStartController.performAction(openAssignment)
The following example shows the equivalent Objective-C code that opens an assignment:
NSURL *portalURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"portalURL"]; PMOpenAssignmentAction *openAssignment = [[PMOpenAssignmentAction alloc] initWithPortalURL:portalURL insHandle:@"ASSIGN-WORKLIST WB-WBTEST-WORK T-17!OPEN" insClass:@"Assign-"]; [snapStartController performAction:openAssignment];
Run an activity
To run an activity in the connected Pega 7 Platform instance from within your native iOS app, you must create an instance of the PMRunActivityAction
object by calling the initWithPortalURL:pzActivity:
method and passing several parameters to it, as shown in the following table.
Parameter | Description | Type |
pzActivity | The name of activity to run. Keep in mind that:
| NSString |
pzPrimaryPageName (optional) | The name of the page for the activity to work on. | NSString |
portalURL (required) | The URL that points to a Pega 7 Platform instance. | NSURL |
Next, call the performAction:
method on the instance of the PMSnapStartViewController
object, passing the run activity object to it as a parameter.
The following example shows the Swift code that runs an activity:
let portalURL = NSURL(string: "portalURL") let runActivity = PMRunActivityAction(portalURL: portalURL, pzActivity: "TestActivity") snapStartController.performAction(runActivity)
The following example shows the equivalent Objective-C code that runs an activity:
NSURL *portalURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"portalURL"]; PMRunActivityAction *runActivity = [[PMRunActivityAction alloc] initWithPortalURL:portalURL pzActivity:@"TestActivity"]; [snapStartController performAction:runActivity];
Additional properties
When calling one of the SnapStart functions on the PMSnapStartViewController
object, for example, to create a case or open an assignment, you can also set additional optional properties, as described in the following table.
Property | Description | Type |
pyShowFullPortal | If set to true, the target content is loaded with the surrounding portal navigation. If set to false the target content is not loaded with the surrounding portal navigation. | NSNumber |
pyPhoneNavRuleMainVisible (optional) | If set to true, the main navigation is visible on a phone device. If set to false, it is not visible on a phone device. | NSNumber |
pyTabletNavRuleMainVisible (optional) | If set to true, the main navigation is visible on a tablet device. If set to false, it is not visible on a tablet device. | NSNumber |
pyPhoneNavRuleToolbarVisible (optional) | If set to true, the toolbar is visible on a phone device. If set to false, it is not visible on a phone device. | NSNumber |
pyTabletNavRuleToolbarVisible (optional) | If set to true, the toolbar is visible on a tablet device. If set to false, it is not visible on a tablet device. | NSNumber |
snapStartParameters (optional) | Additional parameters that are passed as a value of a SnapStart parameter. | [String:String]? |
customURLParameters (optional) | Additional query string parameters that are passed in the URL. | [String:String]? |
The following example shows the Swift code that sets several properties for the run activity object:
runActivity.pyShowFullPortal = true runActivity.pyPhoneNavRuleMainVisible = true runActivity.pyTabletNavRuleToolbarVisible = false runActivity.snapStartParameters = ["key1" : "value1", "key2" : "value2"] runActivity.customURLParameters = ["key1" : "value1", "key2" : "value2"] snapStartController.performAction(runActivity)
The following example shows the equivalent Objective-C code that sets several properties for the run activity object:
runActivity.pyShowFullPortal = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]; runActivity.pyPhoneNavRuleMainVisible = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]; runActivity.pyTabletNavRuleToolbarVisible = [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]; runActivity.snapStartParameters = @{ @"key1" : @"value1", @"key2" : @"value2" }; runActivity.customURLParameters = @{ @"key1" : @"value1", @"key2" : @"value2" }; [snapStartController performAction:runActivity];