Creating insights
Collect specific information about your application, and save it in a clear visual form to support the process of data analysis. For example, you can create a list-based insight that provides data about resolved assignments, and then filter the content by application users to analyze their performance.
- In the navigation pane of your application, click Explore Data.
- In the What would you like to explore? list, select specific type of data for which you want to create an insight.
- In the upper-right corner of the screen, click Save as insight.
- In the Save as insight dialog box, provide details for
your insight:
- In the Name field, enter a unique name for the insight.
- In the Visibility list, select who can see your insight.
- Optional: To give the chart a supplementary title, select the Show title check box, and then customize the title.
- Click Submit.
- Customizing list-based insights
Decide what data you want to present in your insights by using intuitive tools that provide options to filter, sort, and group the data. For example, you can filter an insight to include only resolved assignments, so that you can analyze the performance of a whole department. Then, you can group the results by teams to compare their work.
- Customizing chart-based insights
Adjust the appearance and contents of chart-based insights to visualize only the specific information that is relevant to your business needs. For example, in a flight booking application, you can visualize data about recent reservations, and then filter the results by specific destinations to analyze the latest trends in business.
- Converting tables to charts
Improve the look of your application by creating visually appealing insights that present data in a modern and intuitive manner. For example, you can convert simple list-based insights to interactive charts to ensure a user-friendly experience when analyzing data.
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