Adding and configuring an Advanced data visualization control
Use a Advanced data visualizationcontrol when you need a highly configurable visualization beyond the standard pie, bar, and line charts. With a Advanced data visualization control, you can appropriately represent any type of data. You can add Advanced data visualization controls to sections or anywhere else a standard control can be used, such as Dashboard widgets.
- Adding an Advanced data visualization control
Add an Advanced data visualization control to a layout so that users can view and understand the data.
- Specifying the data source for an Advanced data visualization control
To identify the data for a Advanced data visualization control, you specify a data page and the properties to display.
- Specifying the visual properties of an Advanced data visualization control
You can specify the size, color, and titles for various parts of a Advanced data visualization control to make the data more understandable to users. Different types of visualizations will have different options.
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