Customizing the content of the list of recent items
By default, items in the Work- and Rule- classes are displayed in the recent items list. However, you can choose to display only rules or only work items in the recent items list.
Before you can customize the content of the recent items list, complete the steps in Customizing the list of recent items in your application..
Open your copy of the pxRecentGrid section.
In your section that displays the recent items list, click the Gear icon of the cell in the section to open the Cell Properties panel.
On the General tab, click the Open icon next to the section name to open your copy of pxRecent section.
In your copy of the pxRecent section, click the Gear icon in the Section include header of your copy of pxRecentGrid section to open the Layout Properties panel.
On the General tab, click the Open icon next to the section name to open your copy of pxRecentGrid section.
In the copy of pxRecentGrid section, click the Gear icon in the Table layout header to open the Layout Properties panel.
In the Data source section on the General tab of the Layout Properties panel, modify the data page parameter values as needed. For example, if you want to display only items in the Work- class on your recent items list, type false as the value for the rule parameter and save your changes.
Click Submit, and then click Save.
- Displaying a list of recent items in your application
You can display a list of the most recently accessed cases, rule or data instance records, Create New and Save As forms, landing pages, wizard items, and instance lists in your application. Displaying a list of recent items gives your application users a quick way to view and open recent items.
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